
Overview of the Zoom Manager

At times, contests will be held on the Zoom video conference. Contests may be required to be online only or Hybrid.

Contests held online only require all participants to be present using computers at home, workplace, or other suitable devices. Contests held with online components (Hybrid) place responsibility for the quality of the connection on the Zoom user. The Zoom Manager coordinates the connections made to the Zoom account.

Logistically for Hybrid Contests, the Internet connections must be suitable with speed and reliability. The computer connecting the camera, microphone, and the Internet connection, must be up to the task. The camera and microphone setup is critical. The camera facing the stage is static - the camera does not move which requires the contestant to present within a set range on stage. Floor tape can be placed to help define the speaking area for in-person contestants. There should be a microphone near the speaker for the Zoom audience to hear well. Do not use the camera microphone. It is often too far away for good quality sound. There are Bluetooth speakerphones that can be placed near to the speaker.

Security requires that the Zoom site be secured with either a passcode for entry to the conference, or a "lobby waiting area" where the Zoom manager would allow or deny entry to the conference.

The Zoom manager would monitor the muting of the audio feed from each of those attending and would mute as needed to ensure the contest is not interrupted.

The Zoom manager would remove from the conference anyone who is disruptive or is displaying inappropriate video. This is not a public site and we have control over access just as we do in our homes.

If a contest speaker's Internet fails during their speech, they will be give a do over. Therefore, the Zoom manager would need to focus and be aware that contestants may need to reconnect.

Using the Lobby Waiting Room format, could allow visitors in one-at-a-time giving the Zoom Manager time to make note of attendee names with the goal of identifying the dignitaries. The Zoom Manager could be given a Dignitary List which could be used to check attendance. The list would be provided to the Presiding Officer just before the beginning of the contest. That information will allow dignitaries to be recognized following reasonable Protocol.

The Zoom manager will be asked to set up Breakout Rooms. Before the contest, set up Judges Breakout Room and Contestant Breakout Room. As members sign in, they can join the proper breakout room for briefings.

For an Evaluation Contest, a test speaker will present a 5 to 7-minute speech. The evaluation contest contestants will exit the "room" and go to the Contestant Breakout Room. The Zoom Manager can help to ensure contestants get to the room. After 5 minutes, following the speaker draw for order, each contestant will return to the contest room to give their evaluation. The Zoom Manager would help to ensure the correct order of speakers exiting the Breakout Room. Manually moving members out - telling them ahead of moving that they will be in the minute of silence. Wait until they are introduced by their Name twice.